The Monthly Ceremony
- My monthly circle
The Monthly Ceremony includes:
The astrology of the NEW and FULL l Moon:
taking the pulse of the cosmic planetary dance
Oracle transmission:
receiving channeled messages from Higher Guidance from a particular Spirit Guide, Goddess, Ascended Masters or from a larger group consciousness.
Oracle Card readings
Meditative/ feminine movement /breathing practices
Receiving Healing, releasing any stuck/ stagnant, activating our multi-dimensional expression staying aligned with our Soul path and Divine Light mission
Manifestation, using the powerful energising effect of the Full Moon to support our heart’s desires/ vision/ sou led goals/ intentions
Nurturing, Connecting and Empowering each other.
Working with Alana Fairchild’s Isis channeled template from her Saraswati Modality (of which I have been a fully licensed practitioner for several years)